Friday, February 13, 2015

The World's Best Chocolate Fudge Recipe

Fantasy Fudge

So here we are, the 13th of February, and it is the last post of my Choc-o-Palooza.  It has been a rough week, but I have pressed through, for you, my precious, precious readers.

Oh who are we kidding!  It has been a great week!  An ENTIRE week of CHOCOLATE!  No one in this house has been complaining I assure you!  And I have saved the best for last!

This is my mom, Teresa.

She is also known as Teesie, Momma T, Mamaw, Mother, etc.  Growing up there was one special treat that people went CRAZY over, and that was her fudge.  During the holidays, as a child, I remember standing over our stove, stirring, stirring, stirring, ENDLESS batches of this fudge.  People would PAY my mom to make it for them.  It is one of those recipes that has been embedded into my psyche, but it is OH SO GOOD!  Forget the box of candies this Valentine's Day.  You need to get into the kitchen and whip up this amazing fudge and I am going to show you how!

Let's get started!

Momma T's Famous Fudge:
*Prep Time: --  *Cook Time: 10 min.  *Inactive Time: 2-3 hours *Difficulty: Intermediate 
*Servings:  1 9X9 Pan


  • 3 c. Sugar
  • 1 1/2 Sticks of Unsalted Butter
  • 2/3 c (5 oz. Can) Evaporated Milk
  • 1 12 oz. Package of Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
  • 1 7 oz. Jar of Marshmallow Creme 
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
  • 1 c. Chopped Walnuts (Optional)

Before we get started I have to share this story.

There are two things that my mom SWEARS helps her fudge to turn out perfect EVERY TIME!  The first one is this pot.

 I know that this pot has to be AT LEAST 30 years old.  She has had it for as long as I can remember.  It is the bottom of an old pressure cooker and it is ONLY used for fudge making (I told you she take this pretty seriously).  She NEVER lets anyone borrow it, and you should consider yourself privileged if she even let's you touch it!  Heck, I was lucky that she even texted me a picture of it!  *LOL*  This is one of her kitchen pride and joys and there must be something to it because it took me a while to find a pot that delivered  like this one did.

That pot would be my cast iron, enamel coated Dutch Oven.

Place it over medium low heat, and let it get hot.

Then add the butter,

Sugar, and evaporated milk.

Stir it all together, and continue stirring until it comes to a rolling boil, about 3-4 minutes.

This brings me to step two of what my mom swears leads to perfect fudge.  She says that as your are stirring you will notice that the sugar, butter, and milk mixture will begin rolling down the side of the pot.  That is when you know it is ready.

She has an instinct for this trick.  I have yet to master it, so I have a little trick of my own.
I use an inexpensive candy thermometer.

Once you get the mixture to a rolling boil, add a candy thermometer.  You will want to make sure that it is not touching the bottom of the pan.  It will not be an accurate reading if it does.

You will want to make sure it reads about 234 degrees or registers at the "Soft Boil" stage.
When it reaches that point turn the heat off.

Now you can add the marshmallow cream,

Chocolate chips,
(You can also add chopped walnuts here if you like)

And vanilla extract.
Stir it all together until the chocolate and marshmallow cream have all melted and are smooth.

It will look like this.

Pour into a greases 9 x 9 baking dish and let cool COMPLETELY.  This will take 1-2 hours, but if you plan ahead, I would let it set overnight.

Now you can cut it into bit-sized pieces and DEVOUR!

OH MY GOODNESS!  It has been years since I made this last, but it is just as I remembered it as a child.  (I guess all those hours over the stove paid off huh.  *LOL*)  I think my Momma would be proud, but there is only one way to know if it turned out right for sure!

I MUST take a bite!

Oh My Word!  Amazing...AMAZING!  This fudge is rich, creamy, chocolaty.  It is soooo goood!  No one will complain about getting this sweet treat for Valentine's Day, and homemade gifts from the heart are always best!  So get in your kitchen tonight and give Momma T's Famous Fudge a Try!  You will be SO glad you did!

And as always...

Happy Reading, Happy Eating, and Happy Living,
~The Kitchen Wife~


  1. Looks like the recipe my family used years ago!

    1. Apparently this is Kraft's traditional recipe. I just know it as the one my mom made my entire life! :)

  2. I never think that this fudgr with take so much effort to make. This is the reason it has such an amazing taste. I love to have them all the time for such lovely taste.

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