Showing posts with label grilling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grilling. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2015

Spicy Black Bean Burgers

Spicy Black Bean Burgers
I have been a fan of Meatless Monday for a while, and I try to practice it in my home as much as possible.  The challenge is finding things that my carnivorous king of a husband will like as well.  It has to be filling, flavorful, and not to weird.  That is why I LOVE these Spicy Black Bean Burger…

Monday, July 21, 2014

Grilled Antipasto Pizza

Grilled Antipasto Pizza
For as far back as I can remember we had this tradition in my family.   Every Friday night, after school, my parents would take us to Blockbuster Video where we would take turns picking out a movie for the family.  Then, we would return home and order Napoli's Pizza for dinner.  EVERY FRIDAY N…

Monday, April 14, 2014

Perfectly Grilled Steak

Perfectly Grilled Steak
This weekend was absolutely beautiful!  We had temperatures in the 80's, the sun was shining, and I seriously spent 90% of my days outside, on the porch, soaking it all in!  I LOVE IT!  With the weather being so amazing, my husband and I felt that it was time to fire up the grill and celebrat…