Friday, January 31, 2014

Some Kitchen Love From My Kitchen Heart....

Well, the kitchen is closed for the night and as I turned around to turn the light out I thought to myself "Whoa!  This is has been one crazy week!"  Yes it has! In the past seven days I have launched a blog, turned 36, survived bronchitis, and somehow managed to keep my sanity through it all!  But, looking back, I am so thankful.  I, in a million years, would have never thought anyone would want to read about my cooking.  And here you are, reading, cooking, and eating with me.  The only words I know to say are THANK YOU!  This is a dream of mine and I am so excited you have chosen to come along. 
Since this is the last night in January, let me share with you some things that will be coming up in February! I am excited to say I have lined up a couple guest bloggers, one that will be featured this Sunday!  Also, I have taken a money saving challenge in my home and because of that you will be seeing a lot of quick and easy meals that you can, most likely, find all the ingredients that you need in your kitchen already!  We will be talking about meal planning and pantry stocking, not to mention some great ways to save on your groceries! 
Well, time to sign off for the night.  Here is to a GREAT month of cooking in February!
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing!
Happy Reading, Happy Eating, and Happy Living,
~The Kitchen Wife~


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