Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Caprese Salad: A Fresh and Flavorful Classic

Welcome to my West Virginia Kitchen!  Caprese Salad, juicy tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, fragrant pesto, etc.  I can't think of a better way to use those amazing summer produce that we are seeing at our local farmers markets.  

Caprese Salad

Perfect for a refreshing appetizer or a light summer meal.  Quick, easy, and bursting with flavor!  I can't wait to share it with you so...

Let's Get Started!


For this Caprese Salad you will need to gather a few simple ingredients:

  • 4 ripe Tomatoes, sliced
  • 8 oz Fresh Mozzarella Cheese, sliced
  • 1/2 cup Pesto
  • 1 cup Fresh Basil
  • 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Balsamic Glaze
  • Salt and Pepper, to taste


Step 1:  Prepare the Ingredients

Begin by washing and slicing the ripe tomatoes into even slices.  Slice the fresh mozzarella cheese into pieces of similar thickness.  Rinse and pat dry the basil leaves. 

Step 2:  Arrange the Salad

On a large serving platter arrange the tomato, pesto, and mozzarella slices alternately.

Step 3:  Drizzle with Olive Oil and Balsamic Glaze

Drizzle extra virgin olive oil generously over the arranged tomato, pesto, and mozzarella.  Follow with a delicate drizzle of balsamic glaze for a hint of sweetness and depth.  

Step 4:  Season and Serve

Sprinkle the salad with salt and pepper to taste.  Garnish with basil ribbons and serve immediately and enjoy the fresh, vibrant flavors of this classic Caprese Salad.


  • Choose Ripe Tomatoes:  Opt for tomatoes that are film yet juicy for the best flavor. 
  • Use Fresh Mozzarella:  Fresh, high-quality mozzarella makes a significant difference in taste and texture.  
  • Fresh Basil is Key:  Basil adds a fragrant aroma and a burst of flavor, so use fresh leaves. 
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil:  A good quality olive oil enhances the overall taste of the salad.  


  • Caprese Skewers:  For a fun twist, thread cherry tomatoes, mozzarella balls, and basil leaves onto skewers.  Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic glaze.  
  • Avocado Caprese Salad:  Add sliced avocado for a creamy texture and a boost of healthy fats.  
  • Caprese Pasta Salad:  Mix the classic ingredients with cooked pasta for a heartier dish.  

This Caprese Salad Recipe is a celebration of simple, fresh ingredients coming together to create a dish that's as beautiful as it is delicious.  Perfect for any meal, this salad is sure to become a favorite in your culinary repertoire.  Enjoy the burst of flavors and the ease of preperation.

And as always...

Happy Eatin' Y'all!
~The Kitchen Wife~


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