Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Spoon Full of Kitchen Love Makes the Medicine Go Down....

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church for we are members of his body."
-Ephesians 5:25-30
When I began this blog I said that the kitchen, the heart of the home, is where food, life, and love happen.  I meant that.  Our kitchens are about more than just cooking.  Sometimes, more often than not really, the greatest gestures of love that we can receive come from it's offerings.  I am going to share a story of one such love offering, made to me this weekend by my husband, John, whom I affectionately refer to as Studhubs.  :)
A little backstory...
For the first 12 years of our marriage, I was a pre-k 4 teacher at one of our local Christian schools here in the Valley.  Every winter it was inevitable that I was going to get bronchitis not once, not twice, but several times a year.  It was no big deal.  Mostly I just worked through it, but then my husband's father past away with brain cancer and his mother, my mother-in-love, who is 89 years young, and diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, was left a widow.  We had a decision to make.  Move her the 6 hours from Indiana to West Virginia or put her in a nursing home.  After a long talk, and a lot of prayer, it was decided I would quit my job, she would move in with us, and I would be her full-time caretaker.  Funny thing is, since that time...I have not been sick!  That is, until now. 
Friday morning I woke up with fire shut up in my lungs!  I could barely breathe and my throat felt as though it was lined with sharp needles!  I.WAS.SICK!  When my Studhubs called during his morning break to check in I couldn't even muster up the energy to speak.  I laid in my bed miserable all day.  Around 4:30 I thought I would take a shower so that he didn't have to come home to a nasty, smelly, sick wife.  He arrived home before I got out of the shower and when I got to the kitchen, what I saw blessed my heart more than words could every express...

Sitting on the kitchen counter were all of my favorite sick foods. 
Progresso Chicken Noodle Soup, Black Chai Tea, honey,
and a fountain Coke from McDonald's. 

Not only that, but by the time I was toweled off and dressed, he had it ready and waiting for me!  This coming from a man who had worked all day and braved the insane roads, due to all of our severe weather, to go to Wal-Mart (which is crazy right now I might add)and get these things for me.  He loves me so well. 

But the story doesn't end there. 
No, this morning, not only did I wake up feeling much worse,
but we woke up to a blizzard as well! UGH!
Still, my husband insisted I go to the Dr.,
so here we go, in a blizzard, to Med-Express
at 8:00 in the morning. 

After being seen and getting my prescriptions, we were heading home.  We came upon a red light and that is when John's greatest act of love came.  My cup is still running over.  There we are, sitting at the light, and he reaches over, lays his hand on my chest, and begins to pray healing over my body.  As a wife, I have to say that was one of my proudest moments! 

 And now you know why I quoted the scripture that I did in the beginning of the blog.  Because he demonstrated that in such a great way this weekend.  He has served me, cared for me, put my needs before his own.  He is truly a great man.  Ladies, we live in a world that wants to tear men down.  We want to make it seem like they are beneath us. The truth is, when we allow them to be the head of our home, when we take our place at their side & not their head, it is then they are able to operate in the way that God intended!  Remember to honor your husbands today ladies.  Love them well.   Respect them and they will return it 10 fold!
Happy Reading, Happy Eating, and Happy Living,
The Kitchen Wife


  1. Mandee, that was a beautiful post! It literally made me cry :) How blessed you are, as well as I am too, to have husbands who love us as much as we love them! I'm so glad you have him to take care of you!

    1. Thank You Tammy! I am one lucky lady for sure!!! :)

  2. Wonderful post. :-)
