Monday, December 8, 2014

Corn Flake Wreath "Cookies"

Corn Flake Wreath "Cookies"
A BIG part of the Christmas season, for me, has been cookie baking.  Growing up, my mom was always baking something.  Cakes, cookies, brownies.  She is an amazing baker!  Another thing she was always good at was getting us in the kitchen to help out.  Whether it be measuring flour, cracking eggs, …

Friday, December 5, 2014

Lemon Pepper Chicken Soup w/ Kale

Lemon Pepper Chicken Soup w/ Kale
This Fall/Winter transition is kicking my butt.  (Is it okay to say butt on here?)  Anyway, my seasonal allergies are always worse in the fall.  Throw in all of the snow and rain we have been having and my sinus' have had enough.   That is when I decided I needed to give my immune system a lit…

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Perfect Marinara Sauce

Perfect Marinara Sauce
I am going to share a little story with you.  I didn't always know how to cook.  No, I'm not talking about when I was a child.  I mean as a young woman, in my early 20's, I did not know how to cook. Sure, I grew up around great food and even better cooks, but no one really taught me ho…

Monday, December 1, 2014

Turkey Pot Pie

Turkey Pot Pie
Thanksgiving has come and gone, but if you are anything like me, you still have a lot of leftover turkey in your freezer.  So the question remains...What do you do with all that left-over bird?  Well, one of my favorite dishes to make is  Turkey Pot-Pie !  It is so simple and you can put just about…

Apple Pie Cookies w/a Salted Caramel Icing

Apple Pie Cookies w/a Salted Caramel Icing
Happy December first everyone! Thanksgiving is behind us, the leftovers have been consumed, our shopping carts have been filled, and now it is time to focus on something new...CHRISTMAS! I can't think of a better way to transition into the Christmas season than with COOKIES, can you?  That is …

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Homemade Artisan Bread

Homemade Artisan Bread
I know this may seem silly, but I have always wanted to take a cooking class. Yes, I read a lot of cookbooks.  And yes, I watch A LOT of Food Network.  But there is a certain energy that comes from a group of people, cooking together in a kitchen, that you just can't get any place else.  So w…

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Pizza Calzones

Pizza Calzones
I love cooking.  You all know that.  But let's be honest.  I don't always WANT to cook.  However, here it is, the end of the month, the week before the big Thanksgiving meal.  I do not have the extra cash to be eating out, so I have to make something.  I am tired of stir-fry.  I am tired o…