Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mom's Homemade Buttercream Icing

Mom's Homemade Buttercream Icing
Growing up, my mom went through this cake making phase.  You know the ones.  You get those nifty character shaped pans and the star-tip the heck out of the thing!  Yep, she was all about that in the early 90's.  Now, her cake making phase may have ended (she is into cupcakes now), but her AMAZ…

Chipolte Chicken Salad

Chipolte Chicken Salad
I don't know about you, but I have really enjoyed this BEAUTIFUL Spring weather we have been having!  But, as the warmer presses in, I don't always want the rich, heavy foods of the winter months.  Sometimes you just want something a little lighter!  Today's recipe is perfect for that!…

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Manchego and Harrisa Cauliflower Gratin

Manchego and Harrisa Cauliflower Gratin
Greetings from my kitchen!  I have to say that this has been a wonderful week of cooking and creating recipes! As you all know by now, last weekend I went on a food adventure at North Market in Columbus, OH.  I have never been surrounded by so many local, fresh, merchants and artisans in all my …