Monday, March 31, 2014

Thai Chicken Pasta with Spicy Peanut Sauce

Thai Chicken Pasta with Spicy Peanut Sauce
I hear so many of my friends talk about how they get bored with making the same things over and over.  I, too, can get in a kitchen rut from time to time, but the best way we can keep that from happening is to try new and exotic dishes from far away lands.  I know, I know, you are thinking "Y…

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Smoked Gouda and Bacon Mac & Cheese

Smoked Gouda and Bacon Mac & Cheese
When planning my meals, I try to keep things balanced with a protein, vegetable, and a starch.  However, there are days (and you know what I am talking about) when you just want some good ol' fashioned comfort food!  Last night was such a night in The Kitchen Wife's home!  We are having so…

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Poor Man's Beef Stroganoff

Poor Man's Beef Stroganoff
We have this rule in our house.  I make it, he eats it.  No questions asked.  However, there are times that I am super busy, with a lot on my mind, and I will say "Do you, by any chance, have a hankering for something?"  I can almost guarantee that it will be Beef Stroganoff every time! …

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Meal Planning 101

Meal Planning 101
A couple of my passions in the kitchen are cooking from scratch (as much as possible), and doing it inexpensively.  One of the ways I believe you can do that is by meal planning.  But what is meal planning? Does it really help me save money?  How does it work?  What does it look like? I know every…

Monday, March 24, 2014

Garlic and Cheese Grits

Garlic and Cheese Grits
Any respectable country girl loves her grits, and here in West Virginia, they are a staple. I will confess that if they are not made right, they can be pretty bland and chewy.  On the flip side of that however, when they are done right...there is no going back!  I am all about doing them right!  I…